About Medical Massage and Manual Therapies

Medical Massage as well as other Manual Therapies are evidence based sciences aimed at correcting imbalances within the muscular and skeletal (musculoskeletal) systems of the body. Properly applied therapy will help to decrease pain and discomfort and decrease inflammation. It will increase joint range of motion and help to normalize tissue environment. These intelligently applied natural therapies work with the body by strengthening and guiding the body’s healing mechanisms. This makes these natural therapies compatible with allopathic (conventional medical doctors) medicine as well as other more traditional and natural medicines. Proper assessment is done by the therapist to determine what or where the imbalance may be. After proper determination a specific “plan of action” will be followed to normalize the imbalance. What this means is a specific treatment plan can and will be tailored to the needs of each client/patient.


The medical massage therapist and manual therapist knows how to work with and in cooperation with other health care professionals and is comfortable doing so. Properly applied therapy does not provoke pain and in fact is comfortable and enjoyable. Although the goal with medical massage is not relaxation, most clients/patients do find the sessions to be relaxing. The philosophy behind these treatments is what the founders of the Integrative Health Sciences Institute refer to as “homeosomatic” which means the body likes what is most like the body. (Homeosomatic is a term coined by Dr. Gregory T. Lawton and is trademark protected.)

This coupled with a six step Medical Massage Protocol makes the work accomplished at Integrative Health Sciences Institute truly unique.

Many times just having a “plan of action” and an awareness of needed change is not enough. Integrative Health Sciences Institute will provide continued support for the client. This will be accomplished through re assessments which will be routinely conducted during each new visit/session. Interviews with the client to see how they are doing as well as answering any questions will help the therapist identify any areas of the “plan of action” that may need to be corrected or fine-tuned.

This caring approach will not only service the needs of the client/patient, but will also help reduce setbacks by properly identifying possible challenges or problems before they cannot be corrected.